On Mon, 25 Aug 2008 03:55:10 +0000, g wrote:

> Beartooth wrote:
> <snip>
>> From that second one, I get a notice saying it doesn't exist yet.
> i looked at it before sending it. thought you might want to write it.
> ;o) no, really, it was for 'existing pages'.
> i would say that you and i have similar problem. i was going to use a
> backup, but i installed some things that i really did not need. so with
> system being in state it is, i do believe fresh will be better.
> tomorrow i will reinstall f8.

        Mine ran F8 quite satisfactorily till I goofed it up ...

>> First of all, this time I went through Customize Now, cutting
>> everything I could find and dared.
> takes a while, but i have found that it can be best.
>> Third, before I copy any of them, I'll run yum update and then
>> gnome-packagekit *twice* -- looking for more stuff to cut.
> have not used 'gnome-packagekit'. is that gnome only? i do not install
> gnome desktop, so i do not believe i have it on system to have tried.


        I *think* I've seen a claim somewhere that you can use it with 
KDE -- probably much as I use Konqueror (mainly for man pages) and K3B 
with Gnome.

        One great virtue, especially when you're paring down, is that it 
will show you what else requires a given app *before* you do anything. 
Unlike pirut, it doesn't wait till you try to remove one and only then 
warn you.

        One drawback, so far, is that I haven't found out how to put 
together a whole list of things to remove and then tell it to do so, all 
in one fell swoop. 

        Btw, the package kit is new in F9, replacing pirut.
>> Keep your fingers crossed -- and stay tuned. It's starting the new
>> install now ....
> toes too. good luck.

        The install took. I decided to remove more stuff before updating; 
I'm in process of doing that now. I told packagekit to show me only 
installed apps, and am going through lists, asking for each in doubt what 
requires it. I just asked, for instance, what requires genisoimage; it 
told me brasero (among other things) requires it; so I'll keep that.

        Stay tuned.

Beartooth Staffwright, PhD, Neo-Redneck Linux Convert
Fedora 7, 8 & 9; Alpine 1.10, Pan 0.132; Privoxy 3.0.6;
Dillo 0.8.6, Galeon 2, Epiphany 2, Opera 9, Firefox 2 & 3
Remember I know precious little of what I am talking about.

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