Timothy Murphy wrote:
> I'm interested in much the same topic as the OP,
> although in my case I would like to be able to run non-computer services,
> eg turning a water-tap on and off, at a remote site.
You may want to visit http://www.smarthome.com for a lot of
different ideas. Depending on your sprinkler system, you may want
something like http://www.smarthome.com/31270.html

> From my position of complete ignorance,
> X10 seems based on a bizarre system of sending information
> along power cables.
> I would have thought wireless would have replace this years ago.
> But as I say, I am a complete ignoramus on the subject.
One big problem with wireless is that you still need power for the
transmitter and receiver. If you are going to plug into an outlet
anyway, it is cheaper to send the signals over the power wiring.
They do make wireless links to an X10 receiver that will bridge a
wireless signal to your wiring. There are some interesting things
you can do with a wireless motion detector and X10 controlled lighting.

There are some interesting controllers, as well as computer
software. There are controllers that let you program time events and
macros that will control things without needing a computer attached
after they are programmed. http://www.smarthome.com/1140.html

I have done some interesting setups - things like controlling the
power to my electric blanket so the bed is warm when I go to bed,
and turns off before I have to get up for work. (It has a different
program for weekends.)


  Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons,
for thou art crunchy and taste good with Ketchup!

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