Joseph L. Casale wrote:
I had to replace a MOBO with a new graphics card and NIC.
The storage controller is the same and the machine boots to run level 3 fine 
but its confused about the NIC (I know it works, I had a fresh install working 
out of the box) and X crashes the machine if I go to run level 5.

I don't have the time to re-install (all the data is backed up though) so 
what's my best approach for reconfiguring this box until I can cleanly set it 
up again? I have never done this sort of thing before so I am a bit in the 
un-know :)

FWIW, Network Manager is not installed, the module for the NIC is loaded, and 
the mac for the ifcfg-eth0 was changed to point to the new NIC. I also need to 
adjust the alias in modprobe.conf (forgot that, and not at wkst now) which may 
only leave me with reconfiguring X?


You may also want to remove the udev persistant settings. This includes ehternet rules, storage rules, etc, depending upon circumstances.

Removing the persistant rules files will cause udev to recreate them.

On my system, here is a list:


You may wish to examine at least /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules, and remove it.
The need to remove any others varies.

For best results, you may wish to boot to rescue mode and remove a rules file, and then boot up normally.

Good luck:

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