I installed OpenOffice version 2.4.1 on a Fedora 8 system. The package
installed OK. The problem is now when I do a "yum update" at the command
line as root yum tries to update the installed OpenOffice packages with the
older 2.3 versions. I did the typical "yum clean all" and the other options
to dump the metadata etc. files. I also did an rpm rebuild database too. Yum
still tries to overwrite the newer version with the older distro specific ones.

I also updated an old Fedora Core 3 system too and it doesn't seem to have this problem. When I do a "yum update" it doesn't try to install the old OpenOffice files. I know this version of the distro is way out of date however I thought that it would have performed the same as the F8 system in regards to the rpm's.

The only difference I can see is the FC3 system isn't being updated anymore.

One interesting point I noticed is the GUI "Add/Remove Software" utility in F8 shows that OpenOffice 2.3 is installed after I installed the 2.4.1 version. Seems like something doesn't notice the difference in the installed rpm files or some list in a file is way out of date.

Anybody know how to fix this permanently without having to stick in any "exclude=openoffice*" lines in the repo files or the "yum.conf" file? It works but why do I need to do it?

Leland C. Scott

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