Hello from newbieland!

I'm running FC8. Everything has been working fine until I tried to make a backup DVD this morning. I inserted the blank, the nautilus Disc burning interface popped up...it said  "Choose disc type"...I chose "Make DVD." When I click "write to disc" and subsequently click on "Write," I get the following error message:

Error writing to disc
There was an error writing to the disc:
The recorder could not be accessed.

I also noticed K3B also does not find a drive. The drive itself works fine in windows. I have no idea how to troubleshoot this one. Googling resulted in very sketchy information. Thie is a acer aspire 3680 notebook. I have created DVD's with it quite a few times in the past, but haven't used it much recently. I have no idea what caused this change. Help! Please!


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