Chris G wrote:
> Is is easy to get a USB Camera to automount in Fedora 8, if so how do
> you do it?
> I have an Olympus C-460 camera and I'm getting fed up with having to
> look in /var/log/messages to see what the device name is and then
> manually issuing the mount command.
If you are running Gnome, check System --> Preferences --> Hardware
--> Removable Drives and Media - there are tabs for different types
of media, and how to handle them. For removable media, it also helps
to have a label - HAL will then mount it at /media/<name> instead of
using a generic name. (It sometimes fails to do an auto-mount on
unlabeled media.)


  Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons,
for thou art crunchy and taste good with Ketchup!

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