Joseph L. Casale wrote:
Good question, and yes, udev DOES keep track.

check in /etc/udev/rules.d for file names with *persistant* in them.
There are several, and one for -- you guessed it -- network/NIC data.

By removing the persistent file(s), udev will rebuild it with the
correct/current info.

This is how you install on one platform and put that disk into another.:
Remove the udev persistant rules in the post-install.

This is exactly what I did, I moved the file out altogether.
Should I have simply removed the line in it? It recreated the
file next boot with the old mac address only to still cause issues!


Yes, do not move (mv) the file, remove (rm) it. Copy it first to some other directory if you wish, but do not leave any trace of the original file anywhere udev can find it. :)

Good Luck!

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