On Tue, 02 Sep 2008 16:52:08 -0400
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Travis Arnold) wrote:

> John Aldrich wrote:
> > Unless/until someone from Fedora says "It is safe to install Fedora
> > 9 from the original ISO images distributed when F9 was released" I
> > am not going to trust that they are safe.
> > 
> Hey I am currently downloading the ISO dvd to install after I finish
> my day's lessons, is this not a good idea to do?


"At this time we are confident there is little
risk to Fedora users who wish to install or upgrade signed Fedora

This pretty heavily implies to me that the iso images are fine as
shipped when F9 was released. Do you expect the project to announce
each item that is ok? Instead, please expect that anything that was
bad/wrong/shouldn't be used would be heavily announced and removed from

Also, you might consider using the fedora
unity respin and save yourself some time downloading updates: 

> Travis


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