Daniel B. Thurman wrote:

Craig White wrote:
> On Wed, 2008-09-03 at 15:50 -0700, Dan Thurman wrote:
> > I have tried in vain to get Adobe's Flash to work in FF. It does
> > not matter how many times I have tried installing, un-installing
> > the adobe flash package - it says it was installed successfully.
> >
> > The problem so it appears, is flash works sometimes and sometimes
> > it does not.  I think this may be because the default flash plugin is
> > actually swfdec Yes, I have libflashsupport installed as well.
> >
> > Under FireFox, you can try to change the swf default under
> > 'Preferences' - however - I am clueless as how to override
> > swfdec and force the default to be Adobe's Flash - attempts
> > to try to do so only opens up a File/Directory Dialog box
> > and I am clueless as to where/what directory/file needs to
> > be loaded - I thought it was something of a library like:
> >
> > /usr/lib/flash-plugin/libflashplayer.so
> >
> > but that does not seem to work.
> >
> > Btw: I have no problems with F8 - works like a charm and it
> > does not use swfdec - but then again - that was with FF v2.0.x
> ----
> don't have both installed - remove swfdec
> run nspluginwrapper installer...
Sorry for being dense - but I cannot run 'nspluginwrapper'
What is the command for doing that or precisely, what do I need
to do here?
> mozilla-plugin-config -i
> Craig

Well, I tried:

1) yum update nspluginwrapper
Package nspluginwrapper-1.1.0-5.fc9.i386 already installed and latest version
Nothing to do

2) mozilla-plugin-config -i
*** NSPlugin Viewer *** ERROR: /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/librhythmbox-itms-detection-plugin.so: undefined symbol: __gxx_personality_v0

So there seems to be a problem?


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