On Thu, Sep 4, 2008 at 12:57 PM, Bruno Wolff III <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is that what my problem was yesterday? I filed a bugzilla about a key I
> was trying to import (mostly about the error message not being very helpful)
> and got feedback that the key was importable by the rawhide rpm. (Which I hope
> to test late tonight or tomorrow.)

Was it?  I not completely up to speed on rpm's capabilities. But I
think it was a problem at one point.... but i may not be remembering
correctly.   You shouldn't trust me.

I think it would be wisest for the people who are suggesting that
signed keys be used... go ahead and test that rpm can import them on
F8 and F9 systems.  If it doesn't work.. its a non-starter from a
technical perspective and we need to move on.


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