On Mon, 2008-09-01 at 17:51 -0500, Gregory P. Ennis wrote:
> List,
> I have installed 2 FC9 systems and am trying to get konsole to work in
> the same manner as with Fc4->Fc8.  
> The one big problem I have is that there does not appear to be a way to
> start a mulitsession profile from the command line, and there does not
> appear to be a way to save a muulti-session profile to even look for any
> changes in the way they are storing the files.
> In looking at the other posts I am concerned that 4.0.5 does not even do
> this.  There have been some references to using kde-unstable that
> apparently contaions kde 4.0.98 or at least something greater than
> 4.0.5.
> Would appreciate some help!!
> Thanks,
> Greg Ennis

Everyone,  Looks like kde4 was not designed to do everything that kde3
was doing.

Here is the answer to my bug report.


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