Craig White wrote:
On Thu, 2008-09-04 at 21:23 -0500, Mike McCarty wrote:
Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
On Thu, 2008-09-04 at 20:18 -0500, Mike McCarty wrote:
$ rpm -q --whatprovides /etc/fstab
file /etc/fstab is not owned by any package
# rpm -qf /etc/fstab
# rpm -qf /etc/sysconfig
$ rpm -qf /etc/fstab
file /etc/fstab is not owned by any package
$ rpm -qf /etc
$ rpm -qf /etc/sysconfig/desktop
file /etc/sysconfig/desktop is not owned by any package
$ rpm -qf /etc/sysconfig

So, the point is made. The fact that RPM doesn't know
about /etc/sysconfig/desktop doesn't mean that it
isn't set up and populated by install.

I don't know what set up /etc/sysconfig/desktop, possibly
RPM as part of /etc/sysconfig. In any case, I know that,
on my machine, I did not (directly) set up /etc/sysconfig/desktop.
your fedora-core-2 system is entirely irrelevant to anybody but you.

I thought that the topic of immediate interst was whether
/etc/sysconfig/desktop _ever_ got set up and populated by
_some_ version of Fedora. I thought I saw you going back
in time as far as you could, and running out at FC7 or so.
Otherwise I wouldn't have commented or joined the thread.

Was I wrong? I think I could provide quotes from messages you
posted to that effect. If that isn't the immediate topic,
then I'd like to know what is.

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