On Fri, Sep 05, 2008 at 10:56:02 -0400,
> I'm in search of a new groupware application.
> I am currently using egroupware.  It works okay but there is a lot I don't
> like about it.
> So, I'm looking for another solution.  Zimbra seems to be the 'best of
> breed'.  However, I can not find the source code for it.  It had binary
> packages but only for Fedora 7 (of course I'm on 9)...
> So the question is, what does everyone else use?  Here are some that I've
> heard of:

We use zimbra at work it seems OK, but I don't like web interefaces so I
have my email forwarded to my desktop and use sunbird to display my

While I would say overall our experience has been positive, they do need to
do more to separate bug fixes from enhancements (at least risky enhancements)
as new releases seem to have a tendency to fix some things while breaking

Also parts of Zimbra are free and other parts aren't. My memory (which may
not be correct) is the backup and outlook connector pieces aren't free.
Also there is some issue with the free license that would make forking a

As for it not being included, I remember them making a license wording
change at Red Hat's request, so maybe it will get packaged again in the
not too distant future.

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