Vis-a-vis Jesse Keating's forwarded note of 2008-09-05 10:08:
> ...

> Today we've reached a major milestone in this progress.  We have done a
> successful compose of all the existing and as of yesterday pending
> updates for Fedora 8 and Fedora 9, all signed with our new keys.  These
> updates will soon hit mirrors in a new set of directory locations.

        What, pray tell, are the new locations? I have local mirrors of the
F{8,9} updates, since it takes less time to rsync the trees than to do
multiple yum updates over my slim Internet connection.

> ...
> While we're working on this update, we'll also be drafting a FAQ page to
> explain to users what it is that we're doing, and hopefully answer some
> of the questions that will come up. ...

        Where is that?

        A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. Please save us from our
ignorance. Let's not be so busy making easy things trivial that we make
hard things an ordeal.


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