Nigel Henry wrote:
> On Saturday 06 September 2008 18:44, Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:
>> Did FC7 still have the VGA driver? That would limit you to 640 x 480
>> - but it would only be 256 colors.
>> You can also try specifying a generic display that only does 640 x 480.
>> Mikkel
> I've just booted my FC7 to check for the VGA driver. Alright I've booted with 
> the planetccrma kernel, but the the VGA driver 
> is there as vga15fb.ko.
> Just had a quick look at the latest FC7 kernel that I had before support was 
> dropped,, and that too shows the vga16fb.ko driver.
I guess I wasn't as clear as I could have been - I meant the X
driver, not the kernel driver.


  Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons,
for thou art crunchy and taste good with Ketchup!

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