Bill Davidsen wrote:
> If there is a simple explanation of why these are not combined into
> a single package, I would like to hear it.

Let's use Fedora 9 as an example.  I believe the current
fedora-release package in updates is 9-2.  That contains the old key
and yum repo files which point to the current URLs.  An updated
fedora-release package will contain the new key and repo files with
the new URLs (where all of the packages that have been re-signed with
the new key are located).

On the first yum update, this package will get installed (from the
current updates URL, and signed with the old key).  It will require a
second yum update to begin using the new repo files with the updated
URLs to see the newly signed packages (which will also cause yum to
import the new key¹).

A further update of fedora-release from the new location is expected
to remove the old key from the rpm database.

> If it's complex or secret  that's fine, I don't see the obvious
> problem combining them, but I don't  claim great RPM expertise.

No secret at all.  The plan is outlined at:

¹ There is a possibility that this process could change slightly as
  currently PackageKit does not handle updating the new key properly.

Todd        OpenPGP -> KeyID: 0xBEAF0CE3 | URL:
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    -- Mark Twain (1835-1910)

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