On Monday 08 September 2008 19:12, Bing wrote:
> Hi,
> I am new to this and seeking advice.
> I downloaded the 6 CD images ok and run the checksum and they all were ok.
> I burned the images to CD and only CD 1 and 6 show no errors on the media
> check.
> I re-burnt CD 2 to see if it was a glitch but the new disk also came up
> with errors.
> The machines I have do not have DVD drives only CD
> Before I try again and spend a fortune on CDs wanted to know if anybody has
> successfully downloaded, burnt and installed from these images.
> Many thanks in anticipation.
> Bing

A while back, not sure now which Fedora version, but the first cd was burnt to 
one make of CD media, and the rest of the disks were on another. the first CD 
passed the media check, and the rest failed, but the Fedora version installed 
ok with no problems with any of the disks. 

I did read that the media checker wasn't entirely reliable. Someone else 
mentioned that there could be a problem with just one file on the CD, but may 
not cause a problem with installing the system, although the media checker 
gave a fail. Why though the first CD on one make of media passed, and the 
other 4 disks failed on a different make of media is puzzling. I ignored the 
fails on the other 4 CD's, and went ahead with the install, and had no 

I don't even bother with the media checker now, and just go ahead with the 

And Yes, I too have downloaded the 6 CD images for Fedora 9, didn't do the 
media check, and Fedora 9 has installed ok, although I don't like KDE4 too 


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