On Tue, Sep 09, 2008 at 12:07:36PM +0100, Bill Crawford wrote:
> On 09/09/2008, David Shaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  I'm one of the GnuPG developers, and as such, a copy of my key is in
> >  /usr/share/doc/gnupg-1.4.x/samplekeys.asc on any system that has
> >  gnupg-1.4 installed.  It's a key that many (most?) Fedora users
> >  already have, and had before this current problem even started.  This
> >  doesn't mean people should necessarily trust my key, of course, but it
> >  does serve as a pretty effective pre-distributed key that can be
> >  leveraged for this as its very wide distribution would make it
> >  difficult to replace out from under someone without the mischief being
> >  very visible (much the same argument that also holds for the new
> >  package signing key, of course, except that my key is already widely
> >  distributed).
> >
> >  As luck has it, I work around half an hour away from the Red Hat
> >  Massachusetts office.
> Now that, seems like a really good idea :o)
> How about you sign, e.g. Jesse's key (if he's willing)?

I'm happy to exchange signatures with Jesse or anyone else in the
Boston area.

To be clear, though: I don't want to give the impression that I think
the release plan is not sufficient.  I think it's about as good as it
can be given the facts of how RPM does key management.  Any additional
signatures on the package signing key are just a nice bonus for those
who want to do additional checks.


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