On Tue, 2008-09-09 at 19:38 +0200, Nigel Henry wrote:
> I sent a reply to the list, using Kmail, and reply to mailing list some 1hr 
> 54 
> mins ago, and it's still not turned up on the list. At least I havn't seen 
> any confirmation of it.
> Some lists that I'm on, I can send a reply, then check mail, and the mail 
> I've 
> just sent is already there, but replies sent to the Fedora list always seem 
> to suffer some time delay.
> It will be interesting to see how quick I get a confirmation of this post.
> I've just checked the mail again, and it's just past 2hrs since I sent the 
> reply, and still have no confirmation that it's been received by the list.
> This is not a complaint. I'm just puzzled by the delays.

Did you check the archives? That's usually the best way to see if your
mail has been posted, since it doesn't have to find its way back to you.


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