On Tue, Sep 09, 2008 at 04:25:47PM +0000, Mike wrote:
> Tim <ignored_mailbox <at> yahoo.com.au> writes:
> > I think you can modify Thunderbird's GUI, like Firefox lets you, so you
> > could remove a lot of the GUI buttons.
> Having run a Linux box for an elderly grandma for some years there are some
> important considerations depending on how previously computer literate
> the person is or was prior to having the linux box to use.
> There should be little opportunity to accidentally click anything at all,

In some cases the 'elderly' can type at world class speeds.
An ASCII reader like this one "mutt" or "pine" should not
be ignored.

Also Gmail and Yahoo mail can provide very effective interfaces and no
need to backup the local system.  

Accidental clicks apply to the system as well as the mail reader.

        T o m  M i t c h e l l 
        Got a great hat... now what.

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