On Wed, Sep 10, 2008 at 7:59 AM, Markku Kolkka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Don Russell kirjoitti viestissään (lähetysaika keskiviikko, 10.
> syyskuuta 2008):
> > It works fine, but when I exit from phpMyAdmin (use the exit
> > icon/button), I get another HTTP/1.1 401 Not Authorized prompt
> > for a user id/password again instead of a "clean" exit that
> > just says something like "You are now logged out, click here
> > to login again".
> You have set up phpMyAdmin to use the HTTP authentication mode.
> Switch to cookie authentication and you get a normal login
> screen. See:
> http://www.phpmyadmin.net/documentation/#authentication_modes

Thank you. I did not set up HTTP authentication, it must be that way
"out of the box" when installing it on Fedora.
I will look into using cookie authentication as you suggest.

> > Is this something I should create a bug report on?

> No.

Now I know it's a configuration thing.... :-)

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