On Wed, 2008-09-10 at 17:43 -0700, Aldo Foot wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 10, 2008 at 5:27 PM, Mikkel L. Ellertson
> > From this and other posts, I don't think the OP "gets" the Fedora
> > philosophy. Maybe Fedora is the wrong distribution for him? There is
> > a reason there is more then one Linux distribution. It lets you
> > chose the best match for your needs and desires.

> I don't think there will ever be a unified opinion on this KDE 4.x thing.
> I'll just keep going... and going.
> Maybe there should be a disclaimer in fine print: "Use at your own risk"
I would have thought the 'leading edge' designation somewhat establishes
that. It seems that there are some with the expectation that Fedora
represent 'stable' in which case, they should probably only upgrade to
the current stable which at this point is Fedora 8 and upgrade to Fedora
9 at the point when Fedora 10 is released, etc. (or of course, use a
different distribution that is less 'leading edge')


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