Mike McMullen wrote:
Thank you Gilboa and James!

Here's a little more information.

Someone gave me the de-branded HP Athlon 64 X2 PC. So I have a free PC
I'd like to turn into a NAS server. This doesn't have to be pretty just
functional and semi-cheap.

Since there isn't room in the PC case for the drives, let alone cooling
and power, I figured some external case/RAID storage box might do the

This thing doesn't need to be the fastest on the planet just reliable
and as inexpensive as possible. I need the money for lenses for the
cameras. ;o)

I've been looking at enclosures etc at www.pc-pitstop.com that use a
port multiplier.
These seem reasonable. Anyone know anything about port multipliers? Am I
missing something big here?
I'm definitely not an expert on raid storage.



On Mon, 2008-09-08 at 06:35 -0700, Mike McMullen wrote:
Hi All,

I am trying to build a NAS server based on Fedora 9.

I will be using a de-branded HP Athlon 64 X2 Dual-Core with 2GB RAM
two 250GB drives mirrored for the OS stuff and a few apps.

Instead of purchasing an external case, I would look at the suggestion of getting a new computer with enough SATA ports to work with you drive requirements. It could be cheaper to do this and provide a server that can do other things like transcoding videos or running ImageMagick scripts on directories of photos.

I just purchased a large Thermaltake case that can hold all the drives my ASUS motherboard has SATA and IDE ports for.

I am looking at this as well but looking at the new Seagate 1.5TB drives.

From a previous thread, you may want to order your drives at different times to ensure that all your drives don't come from the same batch.

I was looking at using RAID 1 but the lost drive space over RAID 1 and RAID 5 is drastic enough.

I have had drive issues under RAID 1 with software RAID and recovery was very easy. I don't see any reason for hardware RAID for a home small business system. You can use that money for a decent camera lens.

Robin Laing

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