Around 02:07pm on Wednesday, September 17, 2008 (UK time), Joel Rees scrawled:

> On Sep 16, 2008, at 11:55 PM, Steve Hill wrote:
> >On Tue, 16 Sep 2008, Joel Rees wrote:
> >
> >>If you do not agree to the GPL, you have no license at all, and  
> >>the only thing that allows you to use the software in any way is  
> >>fair use. Fair use does not necessarily cover running the software.
> >
> >Certainly not the case the world over.  ISTR that UK copyright law  
> >has an exemption that basically says it won't prevent you doing  
> >whatever you need to do to use the product (e.g. installing the  
> >software on a hard drive, copying a database into RAM, etc).
> That would be, I'm assuming, that you have bought the product and  
> have some sort of license thereby to use it?
> Remember, in the case of GPL-ed software, we are not trafficking in  
> software in the usual sense.

Yes I agree with this.  IANAL, or an expert in licening or GNU, but
AFAIK the GNU licence covers re-distribution, not running.  In other
words anyone can run in without having to agree to any conditions.  But
if you want to re-distribute it, or a deriviative of it, you do have to
agreee to the conditions.


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