On Fri, 2008-09-19 at 06:51 -0400, Thomas Thurman wrote:
> 2008/9/18 lostson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > On Thu, 2008-09-18 at 13:30 -0400, Thomas Thurman wrote:
> >> there is simply no good way to do this in an
> >> automated way at present.
> >>
> [...]
> > I am mostly concerned with
> > just the main window. For instance when i start Xchat it always starts
> > in the upper left corner where I want it to be. I don't know the reason
> > it does but it does. When say for instance I have xchat open on my
> > desktop and that is it and I run evolution it appears in the top left
> > corner exactly where xchat is covering it up. Why would metacity place
> > it there ? There is already a application residing there. The way I
> > would implement this is in right click in the titlebar with a remember
> > window position much like Fluxbox or KDE has. Then everytime you start
> > the app it appears right where you saved it at.
> This is the thing, though-- I understand you want to be able to click
> something saying "remember window position", but I still don't know
> what "remember window position" might mean across sessions.  Sure,
> Metacity can remember where the window is until you log out, but
> that's not what you want.  You're asking for the window to come back
> after you log out, log in, and then re-launch xchat or evolution.  But
> then we have to consider how Metacity can recognise that the new
> window is the same one as before.
> But if fluxbox or kwin has an option which does exactly this, perhaps
> it's worth looking at that and seeing how they do it.
> Thomas
 I can try to help out if you need something drop me a line, thanks


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