On Fri, Sep 19, 2008 at 11:18:05AM -0400, Mark Haney wrote:
> I have a funky problem that I hope someone can help me with.  I've got a 
> mysql data running (on FC6, sadly) on a system where the root password was 
> changed a few days ago.  Used to, I could just enter 'mysql' at root and 
> could get into the mysql command line.
> I went in an changed the root password in mysql to reflect the changed root 
> password and edited .my.cnf to the new password, but now when I'm in root 
> and type 'mysql' I get this:
> ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using 
> password: YES)
> I know the root pwd in mysql is correct as our databases are working just 
> fine on it.
> The reason I have a problem with this is because I'm trying to install a 
> Zenoss RPM I built for FC6 and on startup Zenoss inits it's DB and tables, 
> but it can't because it can't login as the root user.
> How do I fix this?  I'm sure it's something silly, but I've googled until I 
> can't take it any more.
Why not initially try getting mysql to ask for the password when you
log in, e.g.:-

    mysql -u root -p

... and it will ask for the password for user 'root' in mysql.  I'm
just wondering if you mis-typed the password when you changed it in
mysql (I always find the syntax for doing it confusing).  At least if
you do the above you can have a few guesses at what you might have

Chris Green

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