On Sat, 2008-09-27 at 15:08 +0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Dear All,
> After modify the config files, I can't restart the network controll by
> using /etc/rc.d/init.d/network restart...
> Thanks !
> Edward.
> -------- Original Message -------- 
>                           Subject: 
> Config Network Setting
>                              Date: 
> Sat, 27 Sep 2008 14:43:32 +0800
>                              From: 
>                          Reply-To: 
> Community assistance,
> encouragement, and advice for using
> Fedora. <fedora-list@redhat.com>
>                                To: 
> fedora-list@redhat.com
> <fedora-list@redhat.com>
> Dear All,
> Mine is FC8 System...
> So, if I want to modify the config of controller card, then I need to
> edit the following files ?
> /etc/sysconifg/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth?
> /etc/modprobe.conf
> And what else other profile also need to be modified ?
crystal ball cloudy...

why did you modify /etc/modprobe.conf?

what is error in /var/log/messages?

what is output of...
cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth*
cat /etc/modprobe.conf


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