On Sat, 2008-09-27 at 14:03 +0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hello Craig,
> 1, Thank for your reply...
> 2, It is a Intranet Server machine ( can't to connect with Internet ).
> 3, So, I can use the rpm for updating the fixed packages...
> Edward.
> Craig White wrote: 
> > On Sat, 2008-09-27 at 13:11 +0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >   
> > > Dear All,
> > > 
> > > Mine is FC8 System...
> > > So, which gcc packages must be installed before proftp 1.3.1 ( tarball )
> > > installed ?
> > >     
> > ----
> > probably best to consult the documentation with the tarball but I would
> > guess that you would minimally need gcc-c++ and autoconf packages
> > 
> > why don't you just use the already packaged versions? (yum install
> > proftpd)
I would expect that the same way you get the tarball onto this system
can be used to copy the rpm to the system.


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