On Saturday 27 September 2008 01:14:40 am hemal rathod wrote:
> Hello everyone
> I have Nvidia 9400 GT graphics card. I installed fedora 7 and nvidia
> lastest drivers from nvidia.com. But it didnt work.
> Can u tell me which fedora version support 9400gt? Or How can i install
> 9400gt driver on fedora? Thanks
> Hemal Rathod
> BE Mechanical,
> Software Developer,
> C/1410, Ramnagar,Kaliyabid,Bhavnagar
> Gujarat,India
> +919825369987
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It does not look like that particular card is supported by any Nvidia drivers, 
even the beta drivers do not seem to support it yet.
Here is the page the that lists the supported gpu's for the beta drivers: 
and the current production drivers:  

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