On Fri, Sep 26, 2008 at 04:24:11PM -0700, Agile Aspect wrote:
> Gary Chen wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I've been having a lot of trouble trying to get SCALAPACK to install
> > properly on my Linux 64 bit installation.
> >
> > Running 'yum install scalapack.x86_64', the following dependencies get
> > installed:
> >
> > Dependencies Resolved
> >
> > =============================================================================
> >
> >  Package                 Arch       Version          Repository Size
> > =============================================================================
> >
> > Installing:
> >  scalapack               x86_64     1.7.5-2.fc9      fedora  19 M
> > Installing for dependencies:
> >  blacs                   x86_64     1.1-26.fc9.1     fedora 610 k
> >  blacs-devel             x86_64     1.1-26.fc9.1     fedora  72 k
> >  lam                     x86_64     2:7.1.2-11.fc9   fedora 1.6 M
> >
> > Transaction Summary
> > =============================================================================
> >
> > Install      4 Package(s)
> > Update       0 Package(s)
> > Remove       0 Package(s)
> >
> > Total download size: 21 M
> >
> > I tried testing a simple BLAS level 1 test called /usr/bin/xspblas1tst
> > and got:
> >
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] scalapack_installer_0.92]$ /usr/bin/xspblas1tst
> > /usr/bin/xspblas1tst: error while loading shared libraries:
> > liblamf77mpi.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or
> > directory
> >
> > I thought it was odd that LAM shared library was not in the search
> > path, so I added an entry into /etc/ld.so.conf as:
> >
> > /usr/lib64/lam
> >
> > and ran ldconfig
> >
> > Now when I ran the BLAS 1 test I got:
> >
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] scalapack_installer_0.92]$ /usr/bin/xspblas1tst
> > /usr/bin/xspblas1tst: symbol lookup error:
> > /usr/lib64/lam/liblamf77mpi.so.0: undefined symbol: lam_F_status_ignore
> >
> > Do you know what could be the problem?  Is the version of the LAM
> > library not correct?
> >
> > I tried the hard way by trying to compile each of the components, but
> > that opened up a whole new can of worms.
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> > Gary
> >
> >
> You appear to be missing a library, i.e, undefined symbol.
> Try
>     ldd /usr/bin/xspblas1tst
> and see if you spot the missing library.
> Also, I presume you have LAM libraries installed too. The symbol
> should be in
>     libmpi.so

Look harder at MPI and LAM....
Check to see if you have LAM setup as an 'alternate'.

In the MPI/LAM world the issues of linking are often complex enough
that helper scripts are needed to build packages.

Common helper scripts in MPI are called mpicc, mpif77, mpiCC and such.
When you configure a message passing program it can help if you configure
the C compiler to be "mpicc" and not gcc.  The helper script "mpicc" will
correctly invoke the C compiler used to build the MPI libs and find all
the libs as needed.

Of interest one of the authors of LAM has begun pointing MPI programmers 
at Open MPI because LAM support is waining.   Is there a chance that
you have multiple  MPI packages.

Last I invoked LAM I had to use 'alternatives to get it right.

        alternatives []      (8)  - maintain symbolic links determining default 

        T o m  M i t c h e l l 
        Found me a new hat, now what?

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