Steve Repo wrote:
> I have a f9 system at home and it is used by me, wife and kids.
> Sometimes we want to share files docs, pictures and stuff. Here are my plans,
> 1. mkdir /fileshare
> 2. create "share" group
> 3. add all users this group
> 4. chmod -R ug+rwx /fileshare
> 5. chown -R root:share /fileshare
> 6. for each user, rm -rf /home/<user>/Public
> 7. for each user, ln -s /fileshare /home/<user>/Public
> Whatever they copy to their Public directory, it will be visible by all.
> Will this work? Is there a better idea?
No need to make a group called share.  Use the idea of /tmp as your
guide.  Just make sure that you set the sticky bit for the directory you

       When the sticky bit is set on a directory, files in that
directory may
       be unlinked or renamed only by  root  or  their  owner.  
Without  the
       sticky bit, anyone able to write to the directory can delete or
       files.  The sticky bit is commonly found on directories, such as
       that are world-writable.

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