On Wed, 2008-10-01 at 09:48 -0700, Fred Silsbee wrote:
> --- On Wed, 10/1/08, Craig White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > The list provides community assistance when / where
> > possible. It's a
> > great place for what often proves to be less than fully
> > qualified help.
> > 
> > Bugzilla provides interaction with the Fedora
> > developers/packagers. It's
> > the perfect place for qualified help.
> > 
> > Livna has their own support (Bugzilla)
> > http://rpm.livna.org/rlowiki/Bugzilla
> > 
> > It seems that if a number of other people on this list
> > aren't
> > experiencing the same problems as you, the problems are
> > somewhat unique
> > to you and the list may not be capable of providing the
> > assistance that
> > you need.
> > 
> > Craig
> > 
> > -- 
> I am not a heavy Linux sys admin but I have never had any luck with Linux 
> updates like Fn to (Fn+1)
> sooner or later something happens requiring a heavy research project!
> Now I save all files I need and load Fedora (n+1) from DVD.
> Sure I should have done a
> rpmyumsxx -1234 /rtter /dodad/honky tonk blah blah -crunch
> and then figure out why that didn't work!
> Linux should NOT be a mountain of complexity for those who admire/worship 
> complexity.
> I have far more than enough complexity in programming subjects. 
> Remember, we are defeating Vista and XP Prof and need to make things simple 
> for newbies.
> THEN maybe we'll have another 14,000 Munich computer switch to Linux!
1 - you are bringing in an issue separate from the OP

2 - many of us have had no problems updating from release to release but
yes, a clean install is clearly easier for the less than technically
inclined. I think Ubuntu is intended to be the release for the
non-inclined/less technical users.

3 - Fedora is not intended to replace Windows on anything and I have yet
to see that to be a stated goal for Fedora. While Fedora tries to make
things simpler, it's not a primary objective. 

I think you need to review the 'overview' page for Fedora...


The primary objective...the first sentence. "Fedora is all about freedom
and rapid innovation."

Rapid innovation, not making a platform to easily create Windows


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