Timothy Murphy wrote:
> I tried installing F-10 from the hard disk
> on my Thinkpad T43
> but came up against two major impediments:
> 1. The cursor is not visible.
> Occasionally something lights up, to show where the cursor is
> (eg when specifying one's location),
> but on other occasions it does not seem to be active at all
> (eg when nominating partitions for / , etc).
> 2. The display extends below the bottom of my screen,
> and there seems to be no way of moving to the bottom,
> where the "Continue" button is hidden.
> I can move on by pressing TAB several times
> and guessing where I have got to.
> Quite often I hit the Back button by mistake,
> which is rather annoying.
> [It does not seem possible to move the display
> holding down Alt-Left button.]
> Anyone come across these problems with F-10?
Sounds like you need to change the screen resolution to a resolution
supported by your laptops Flat-Panel-Display.


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