On Fri, 2008-10-03 at 21:45 +0000, Kevin Kofler wrote:
> Linuxguy123 <linuxguy123 <at> gmail.com> writes:
> > In other words, F10, when it ships in October, is going to have the same
> > KDE functionality that F9 has now, ie it is missing a lot of commonly
> > needed desktop functionality.  An increase in KDE4 functionality won't
> > occur until the KDE 4.2.0 release in January, if there isn't a schedule
> > slip.
> We've known this all along, this is not news to us. Well, except for your "it 
> is missing a lot of commonly needed desktop functionality" assertion which I 
> disagree with.
> That said, we could be backporting some of the improvements from 4.2 if there 
> is demand. But we need to know WHAT features you are still missing. We can't 
> just ship the 4.2 alpha (though a 4.2 alpha or beta will probably become 
> available for F10 through kde-redhat unstable before the F8 EOL). If you come 
> up with a short, precise list of important missing features (please only the 
> really important ones, not "I noticed those 400 obscure missing features I 
> never actually use"), we're more likely to be able to make you happy.
konsole really suffered regressions

this used to work real well

# create xhost environment for users
xhost +localhost
konsole --profile 5shells --vt_sz 176x50

no more. No more restoring tabs from logoff.


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