oleksandr korneta wrote:
> I've rebooted my f8 desktop today (which I do rather rarely) and
> discovered that my multimedia keys suddenly stopped working. Since I
> have everything configured in  ~/.Xmodmap I decided to just rerun
> "xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap", but it did not help. I launched xev and was
> surprised to find that the multimedia keys which I've been using for at
> least 2 years now produce no keycodes whatsoever. Instead, the keys not
> detectable before (a row of 6 keys numbered from 1 to 5 plus a star,
> presumably browser bookmarks) produce the keycodes 183, 184, 93, 131,
> 247 which are unknown to me.
I have a similar problem, both in Fedora 9 and Fedora 10. I used to use xmodmap 
successfully. Now, some of my keys have entirely different keycodes with xev 
than they did before and some don't generate any keycodes at all. I use a 
Logitech USB keyboard. Some of the keys do generate keycodes and have X 
mappings, but it is impossible to use them in Khotkeys/Input Actions anyway. I 
have not complained because I am so thrilled that KDE4 is so great and this is 
a low priority problem, but as KDE gets better, this is moving up the list of 
things that would be nice to have fixed (actually, festival text-to-speech is a 
much higher priority for me, hint hint).

My guess is that this problem stems from the new X Server and possibly the use 
of evdev as the keyboard driver. Once again, I am so thrilled that I am 
actually using evdev successfully, that this seems minor to me and I would be 
more ecstatic to have the Intel display driver fixed that will permit OpenGL 
effects and modesetting. Patience, my boy. It is coming.

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