Chris Tyler wrote:
On Sat, 2008-10-04 at 14:10 -0500, John Thompson wrote:
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Jerry Feldman wrote:

| The advantage to using livna is that they are included in RPM packages.
| If you get them directly from Nvidia, when you get an updated kernel you
| would have to reinstall the drivers.
| IMHO: It is usually better to use RPM packages rather than tarballs
| because of the database. But, there are always exceptions.

The advantage of using the NVidia installer is that when you need to
install a new kernel you don't have to wait for livna to update their
RPMs. Just re-run the installer and it will build new modules to match
your new kernel.

Better yet, use akmod-nvidia from Livna, which will build you a custom
RPM if the Livna one isn't ready when you update your kernel.


Freshrpms uses dkms to do the same thing.

I have used the Freshrpms nvidia driver and I don't have the issue of getting a new kernel and having to wait until Livna gets a new rpm.

dkms creates the new module on reboot.

Robin Laing

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