On Fri, 2008-10-03 at 09:01 -0400, Linuxguy123 wrote:
> On Fri, 2008-10-03 at 08:41 -0400, Linuxguy123 wrote:
> > Good morning.
> > 
> > I've been experiencing a quirky, random network access issue in Linux
> > only with both F8 and F9.
> > 
> > The network looks like this
> > 
> > - Linksys WRT54gs wireless router, connects to the Internet via a cable
> > modem
> > - Dell 1720N networked printer, plugs into a router port
> > - Linksys print server, connects an HP all in one to the wireless router
> > - Windows laptop, connects to the wireless router via wifi
> > - Linux laptop, connects to the wireless router via wifi
> > 
> > Most days this setup works well.  No problems.   
> > 
> > However, every once ina while I get a "Printer may not be connected"
> > error when I try to print to either printer.
> > 
> > If I then open a browser on the Linux machine and enter the IP for the
> > router, I cannot log into it. ( It gives me the login
> > screen and I put in the right username and password, but it rejects me.
> > 
> > If I open a browser on the Linux machine and enter the IP for the laser
> > printer, it tells me it isn't available.  (
> > 
> > It doesn't matter if the browser is Konqueror or Firefox, neither one
> > works.
> > 
> > However, if I do this on the Windows machine, both of these actions work
> > and I can also print. 
> > 
> > At the same time, I can also access the Internet and such just fine.
> The other tidbit of information to this problem is that I just restarted
> my computer and then the print job completed and I was able to log into
> the wireless router and display the printer properties page.
> It seems like Linux loses the ability to connect directly to the local
> network.

I found the problem and fixed it.   

I was running my router wide open.  I don't mind sharing my connection. 

The essid on my router was "linksys".  It turns out that a neighbor
recently moved in who also set up a linksys router... with an essid of
"linksys" as well.  It also turned out that his router was within range
of my linux laptop.

Thus I was connecting to his router half the time !

I changed the essid on my router and reconnected.  Everything works


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