On Sun, Oct 12, 2008 at 12:29 PM, Patrick O'Callaghan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote:

> Well, not quite, but I was alerted to this when my fan started whining
> and the cpu temperature rose about 5 degrees above normal. A look at
> 'top' confirmed that Ktorrent (downloading a single torrent) was using
> about 80% of my cpu. The X server was using most of the rest.
> This is F9 with KDE 4.1.1.
> I updated to KDE 4.1.2 (using "yum groupupdate KDE" from
> updates-testing) but it made no difference (actually, the whole machine
> started crawling until I disabled Desktop Effects, which hadn't seemed
> to matter before, but even after doing that Ktorrent was just as bad).
> Is this a known bug with Ktorrent? I've been using it happily for a
> couple of years and haven't had this happen before, but now it means I
> can't use it without risking damage to my motherboard, which makes me
> uneasy ...
I do not think it is a problem specific to ktorrent. I have observed this
behavior with
bittorrent 4.4.0, on F8, also. It seems that when the connection is down for
any reason,
bittorrent keeps trying and the CPU usage goes to 100%. Sometimes, the
download just
stops without any apparent reason, and the same thing happens. In any case,
just stopping
and then restarting the download fixes the issue.

I do not know why Fedora has not updated bittorrent to 5.2.0 yet.
Maybe this is the solution ...

Paulo Roma Cavalcanti
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