I have just gotten ahold of my daughter's system and now
and looking at why is it, that her system hangs after a long
period of inactive use (ie when she goes to bed, goes to work,
then comes home to find a hung system).  I tried this myself
now and find it to be 100% consistent.

This problem never occurred before, with the oldest kernel
(kernel- and before the massive updates
that included new kernels+xorg/ltsp and it only happens
with the Intel DQ35J0 but not with the ASUS P5GC-MX/1333
which is my own system?

When it hangs, there is no possible way to enter into the system
so a forced reset was required.  In doing this, it also "corrupts"
the fs, and I am forced to issue a fsck -y to recover the fs which
would restore the fs and I would then be able to boot and log
into the F9 system, only to find that after a long inactivity,
the system would hang again.

The last time that I had to repeat this cycle again, I found that
the fs reverted to ext2 (previously was ext3), I could no longer
boot the fs and got the following boot information:

ext3:          No Journal on filesystem on sda6
mount:      error mounting /dev/root on /sysroot as ext3
setuproot: moving /dev/failed: No such file or directory
              : error mounting /proc: No such file or directory
              : error mounting /sys: No such file or directory
Mount failed for selinuxfs on /selinux: No such file or directory
switchroot: mount failed: No such file or directory.

So, I booted wih F9-Live, and checked out the sda6 filesystem
and noted that I was able to review the contents of this filesystem
and it appears that the filesystem is all there but there are files
saved in the lost+found directory and it was confirmed that the
fs is of ext2.

Is it possible to use QParted to reconvert the ext2 filesystem back
into ext3 without losing the data?  If not, then my plan is to use
CloneZilla to save the data to an image stored elsewhere and to
restore this image into a new ext3 filesystem partition, and hope
to recover the data this way or am I wasting my time in doing so?

I also checked the BIOs, and noted that 'Wake up on Lan' is enabled
and as far as I can tell, there is no possible way for me to disable it.

I noticed that someone had reported this same problem, and disabling
WOL, would prevent the system from shutting down and hang with
the PS still running - so perhaps I am experiencing this same/similar
problem previously reported here in this forum.

So, why is it, so it seems, that this WOL is now a problem with the
newer kernel/updates when it wasn't before - is there something new
in the kernel that now recognizes the WOL and does things with it
when it wasn't a problem before - or is it something else?


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