Jim wrote:
Dave Feustel wrote:
On Wed, Oct 15, 2008 at 07:06:06AM -0400, Jim wrote:
Dave Feustel wrote:
When will Open Office 3 be available for F9?


Go here and get the RPM and install, it's very easy


Thanks for the link!
I am a complete newbie with respect to rpms.
Is there a tutorial on how to download and install rpms in Fedora?


1. Download the 'english' 'RPM' and make a new folder in your home directory called OO-3 and drag the download file into that OO-3 folder.

2. Open a terminal window and do  su  and password.
    In terminal , do   cd OO-3.
    Then do a copy and paste into the terminal window of line below.
tar -xvf     OOo_3.0.0_LinuxIntel_install_wJRE_en-US.tar.gz

It will make a new folder OO-3/OOO300_m9_native_packed-1_en-US.9358/RPMS/ .

Then cd OOO300_m9_native_packed-1_en-US.9358/RPMS/ (be sure to do all this in SU Terminal). Then do a ./setup and install will start, follow instructions, When you get to the part "Select Additional Componets" I selected "Optional Componets" this installs everything and do a Next and follow Instructions.

Be sure to do all this in a SU (Super User Terminal)
I know these instructions maybe a little confusing, but read carefully.

After install is complete, you find the execute files in the /Menu/Office

I forgot to mention if you have any old Office apps installed, Remove them.
Do you use Yumex, a package Updater-Installer-Remover , for newbie it is easy to see all the packages.

If you want insall it, as SU terminal  type,  yum install yumex.

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