On Sun, Oct 19, 2008 at 12:00 AM, ranti bose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi everybody ,
> i have fedora8 & xp installed in my pc.i want to reinstall xp & want to keep
> fedora also.my problem is
> whenever I insert xp cd in my cdrom a screen appearing saying "PRESS ANY KEY
> TO BOOT FROM CD" ,then I press any key ,
> but at that moment a "BLACK SCREEN" appears & cdrom stopped working .After
> waiting for some minutes I reboot the machine by pressing reboot key &
> follow the same steps but again the same thing happens.
>  My question is what is the reason for this incident & how to get rid of
> this.
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Hi ranti bose!

My guess is that your xp cd does not like what I would guess is a GRUB
Master Boot Record (MBR).

First I would take a "snapshot" of the current MBR plus a bit as described here:

http://mirror.href.com/thestarman/asm/mbr/GRUB.htm (and do a search
for "dd if" (without quotes)

The whole article is a good read for what you are doing and connects
to other info you may need.  You may well need stage 1.5 so increase
the count=1 to say count=20 (frankly I forget how long stage 1.5 is -
you can look at them in your "/boot" directory.  Move this file to a
flash drive, e-mail, or some other safe place.  You may need it as a
recovery tool.

Second, use "dd" to wipe the section that you just read.

Third, run "fixmbr" from your xp cd.  Instructions here:


Fourth, install xp where you wish.

Fifth, make a decision to use the xp bootloader (probably preferred)
or grub.  If you wish to use grub copy the xp bootloader section as
you did GRUB (always make a way back) and then copy your old grub MBR
into place.  If you wish to use the xp bootloader follow the
instructions here (only call it Fedora which it is):


Have a lot of fun!


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