Amadeus W.M. wrote:

> Man, is flash broken (again?) or what? It was working before the upgrade
> to flash-10, but now cnn videos are very choppy when they play, or simply
> don't play at all. Do other people have this problem? I have a
> hyperthreaded 2.8GHz processor and cnn video takes some 70% on each
> thread. Prior to the update I would see some 30-40% (as far as I can
> recall), and only on one of the threads, not both.
I haven't tried it on my laptop, but on my desktop (Intel dual core), the new 
flash 10 produces choppy video, oftentimes the video stops entirely while the 
audio continues playing, and then all of a sudden the video will fast-forward 
in a flurry and catch up.

I never thought to consider that it might be different on a different computer. 
Thought it was just a buggy release.

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