On Wed, 2008-10-22 at 01:32 +0000, Kevin Kofler wrote:
> Linuxguy123 <linuxguy123 <at> gmail.com> writes:
> > Then we have a problem, don't we.   We have this group of people called
> > users that need these boring, existing features. 
> > 
> > I've been using Linux since Redhat 8.   *NOTHING* that has happened
> > since then has ever rocked my expectations of Linux as much as KDE4 has.
> Because you think it's better in the M$ world?
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Features_removed_from_Windows_Vista
> And unlike the KDE features you are complaining about, which the KDE 
> developers 
> are hard at work to bring back in KDE 4, those missing Vi$ta features will 
> most 
> likely never come back.
just a perspective, not knocking you Kevin and you should know that you
and Rex have my undying admiration, but...

Simply because Microsoft does or does not do something should not
neither be the progenitor nor the justification over what occurs in the
open source world. 

I'm quite certain that if having an active desktop for files & folders
means no plasmoids on the Desktop, then I'd likely pass over the


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