On Mon, 2008-10-27 at 14:49 -0600, Christopher A. Williams wrote:
> I recently bought a snazzy new 16GB USB pen drive from the local store
> -
> it was only $29! I have several drives that are 8GB and smaller from
> the
> same store that are the same brand.
> Imagine my surprise when:
> * The 16GB drive is not accessible on either F9 or F10 Snap 3
> * The 8GB drives all work just fine on both F9 and F10 Snap 3
> * The 16GB drive works fine on Windows XP
> * The 16GB drive also works on a Windows XP VM running on top of F9!!!
> I can only conclude from this that something is a miss that causes F9
> to
> not be able to access and use USB pen drives that are bigger than 8GB,
> and that this most likely has something to do with a file system
> driver
> or such.
> Anyone else seen this yet? Is there a fix / work-around?
I had the same behavior with a 4GB drive. What I found was that the
operation of the USB drive was screwed up by all the Windows oriented
software (such as Skype) that the manufacturer puts on the drive as a
bonus. Once I removed all that extra contents the pen drive worked under
"I thought you were trying to get into shape." "I am. The shape I've
selected is a triangle."
Aaron Konstam telephone: (210) 656-0355 e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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