Alex Makhlin wrote:

> Which one do you think is better and for what reasons. Ubuntu or Fedora
> 9. Personally I like Fedora 9.
In my personal experience, the 'buntus are not as mature as Fedora (don't have 
the professional backing of Red Hat); servers are painfully slow, so net 
installation and updating are gruellingly lengthy and tedious; and they lack 
the sophistication of rpm and yum, having to make due with the deficient and 
awkward apt system (on two attempts at installing a 'buntu, the initial update 
right after the CD install failed).

Aside from that, in my estimation, once you have a distro configured and 
installed to your preferences, it's really all just Linux (nearly all distros 
offer the same packages we already know and use from Fedora). Fedora is said to 
be more cutting edge, meaning that some pre-release packages and early versions 
of programs might make it into Fedora before another distro picks it up, but 
this varies from one distro to another.

Personally, I am used to where Fedora keeps the configuration files and any 
non-Fedora/RedHat-based distro is difficult for me, when it comes to trying to 
solve configuration problems. I have spent years learning this way of doing 
things and don't see the point of reinvesting all those years in another 
system, in order to ultimately get essentially what I've already got.

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