stan wrote:
> Jerry Feldman wrote:
> > very poorly written, It's just that simple. From a developer standpoint,
> > developing a portable application, eg. one that can be compiled for
> > 32-bit or 64-bit and work out of the box is relatively simple if you
> > follow some rules. The newer C and C++ language standards also have
> > specific 32-bit and 64-bit integers, so you don't have to use "long"
> > which can be 32-bits or 64-bits. I remember the same issue with 16-bit
> Would you be willing to point to those 'relatively simple'
> techniques with a link?

No link needed. Just don't make baseless assumptions about sizes of data 
types. Don't assume that a pointer is the same size as an int for example, or 
that the number 5000000000 will fit in a long int. Use uint32_t if you need a 
32-bit number and so on. It's just that simple.

Even better, avoid C and use a better designed language with a good type 

Björn Persson

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