On Sun, 02 Nov 2008 00:51:26 +0000, Timothy Murphy wrote:

> Beartooth wrote:
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ telnet 192.168.a.c 631 -bash: telnet: command not found
>> =====                =====           =====           =====
> If this occurred to me I would start by re-booting.

        Exactly what I thought! I shut them all down last night, and am 
in process of bringing them back up now.

> Incidentally, you have to put in the correct IP address of your server -
> 192.168.a.b was just supposed to be an indicator.

        I did; but there are some people who seem to cringe at giving a 
LAN address in public -- so I substituted a & b for the last two, in my 
posts only. 

Beartooth Staffwright, PhD, Neo-Redneck Linux Convert
Remember I know precious little of what I am talking about.

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