On Tue, Nov 04, 2008 at 01:17:50PM +0000, Bryn M. Reeves wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> I've hit an odd problem when pasting large amounts of text into vim
> running inside a screen session.
> Steps to reproduce:
> 1. open a new file in vim (e.g. vim /tmp/foo) and enter insert mode
> 2. select a large amount of text (a few hundred lines or so)
> 3. paste (middle click or ctrl-c/ctrl-v) into the editor
> At this point, Xorg CPU usage shoots up to close to 100%, the desktop
> feels very unresponsive and the terminal window that vim is running in
> flashes between a blue background with black borders and all-black.
> A few minutes later, some or all of the text will appear (possibly with
> some whitespace changes) in the editor and life goes back to normal. I'm
> seeing this on two different systems with different graphics drivers
> (i945 & nv).
> I cannot reproduce this behaviour outside of screen and I've also
> managed to make vim lock up a couple of times while running within
> screen on f9 (I don't have exact steps to reproduce this - it seems like
> some keystroke sequences trigger it but I can't make it happen at will).
> I'll open a bugzilla for this, but figured I'd post it here in case
> anyone's seen something similar.
> Regards,
> Bryn.

Have you tried pasting into vim running in an xterm session?
(Past the text by going into insert and then pressing shift+insert).

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