This is the second half of a reply to Craig White's post below, 
put into a new thread because it has departed so far from the original 
topic. I'm discovering great new stuff -- new to me, that is -- and I 
want to draw maximal attention to it from others who may be in shoes like 

On Mon, 03 Nov 2008 15:08:11 -0700, Craig White wrote:
> I fear that you still don't get it.
> This is a rather cool blog about 'Trivial uses for Telnet'...
> which talks about how to use telnet client application to connect to a
> web server or a pop3 server or an smtp server and talk to the server as
> if you were just another application communicating with that server so
> you can test things out or just familiarize yourself with the process
> itself.

        Indeed! I just sang its praises in the first half of this reply, 
on the original thread.
> Obviously telnet to the cups port (631) is very much similar as the
> others (SMTP/POP3/HTTP) except that like the others, the cups server has
> its own vocabulary.

        Ah, if only I had known, back when I was teaching baby language 
courses, what vast argots the various branches of Computer Science would 
develop -- once it came into existence, of course.

> In essence, every time you open a web browser and tell it to go to a
> specific web site, you are doing something similar to opening a
> connection to that web site with telnet on port 80 (ignoring of course
> the web browser rendering engine, javascript, etc.).

        Ignoring a lot of things I wouldn't know if they bit me never 
mind where, to be sure.

        But in the present context, there seem to be some I can't ignore 
-- some that (afaict) reflect the settings on my terminal, and some that 
are apparently matters of notation and vocabulary.

        Thus for instance, following along the second paragraph, about 
NetCat -- or rather, trying to follow -- I get this : 

=====           =====           =====           =====
telnet> NC -v -v {address} {port}^[[D^[[D^[[D^H^H^H^H^H^[[3~^C
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ telnet
telnet> ^[[A^[[D^C
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ NC -v -v 631
bash: NC: command not found
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ telnet
telnet> NC -v -v 631
?Invalid command
telnet> NC -v -v {} {631}
?Invalid command
        =====           =====           =====           =====

        If only by trial and error, I think I can set up a different 
terminal emulation (xterm instead of my usual gnome terminal, for 
instance, which is configured primarily for Alpine), and avoid all that 
gibberish caused by trying to use the backspace and arrow keys.

        But it isn't obvious to me, unless I haven't had enough coffee 
yet, why the last two commands are both invalid. All that's obvious is 
that, despite Mr. Welsh's exemplary lucidity, I am reading his text 
otherwise than he expects.

Beartooth Staffwright, PhD, Neo-Redneck Linux Convert
Remember I know precious little of what I am talking about.

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