On Tue, 4 Nov 2008 12:07:58 -0700
"Andrig T. Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> So, I should have know better.  Alan, you were correct.  While I don't have
> the same performance problem under the older kernel, the error messages
> started showing up, and when I ran
> smartctrl -Hc /dev/sda is says my hard disk is about to fail.

That's what I had expected - no hard feelings through when it seems to
work with one kernel and not another it leads rapidly to an obvious
conclusion that may not always be right.

I'd appreciate it if you can file a copy of both dmesg sets of the
failings and a report about the performance difference in bugzilla. I
don't understand why that is different and I'd like to at least take a
glance at it in case anything strikes me.


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